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Retired from 10 years in the Canadian Navy, and 28 years in the Canadian Diplomatic Service, with postings in Beijing, Mexico City, Sri Lanka, Romania, Abu Dhabi, Guyana, Ireland, Trinidad, and, last but not least, India.

Sunday 26 February 2017

From the Nor’east, Forty

The sirocco blows soft out of Algiers:
it tells a mystic tale, of the streets of the Casbah, pale;
of Arab women, veiled; of the call to prayers, wailed;
of the hand of Allah, the sword; of the life of Mohammed, the Word.

An Arctic gale sweeps from Greenland:
it whispers frigid tales, of glaciers and white whales;
of seas that have no chart, in the places where icebergs start;
of expeditions lost; of snow-plains that n’er have been crossed.

A mountain breeze sighs from Haiti:
it speaks of a green-clad  isle; of dark-skinned girls that smile,
while held high on their heads are baskets of mangoes or breads;
of dark and moonless nights, and secret voodoo rites.

But the winds that lash the Banks:
they keen heroic stories, of schooners, codfish and dories;
of small boats that sailed with the tide, and how men who sailed them have died;
and yet through the whitecaps and foam, they carry warm memories of home.

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The Ancient Hippie

The Ancient Hippie
Natraj dances with us all.

Welcome, and Namaste

Greetings fellow travellers,

For you American friends visiting, you will notice that this old Canadian uses Canadian English in this blog: kindly bear with me. As I blog primarily on subjects that are vitally interesting to me, I appreciate all feedback.

As I tend to be a bit of a language usage freak, I will, as required, edit obscenity and rude comments. That said, I welcome your opinions and discussion.

May your Dharma be clear


"If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended:
That you have but slumb'red here,
While these visions did appear."

Puck’s epilogue to A Midsummer Night’s Dream