Clouds, soft and fecund,
punctuate a sky relentless
in the pink promise of evening.
Humidity hangs like a shroud, The past presents a poignant pain
giving shelter to myriad bugs, neither cured, nor improved,
and encouraging fantasies of sun. by the medication of time.
The dead road-kill crow
offered visual recompense
to the folly of life.
One sole loon laughed sardonically The spaces between jackpine
at the thought of carefree fish and populist spruce guard access
only metres below. to a mossy living magic.
In a random and chaotic universe
expecting the unexpected
guarantees nothing.
offered visual recompense
to the folly of life.
One sole loon laughed sardonically The spaces between jackpine
at the thought of carefree fish and populist spruce guard access
only metres below. to a mossy living magic.
In a random and chaotic universe
expecting the unexpected
guarantees nothing.
There is a lesson to be learned
perhaps a moral to be discerned
but interpretation is best left to Janus.