Walking with my dog this morning,
with fluffy cumulus clouds
scudding in the cool southeast breeze,
a lesson was given.
I wanted to stride,
to cover road,
to increase my pulse,
but the beagle insisted,
again and again,
that we take the time
to appreciate each fresh smell,
each clump of autumn vegetation,
and enjoy our Now.
Getting further down the road
was not being on our walk:
here and now was where we were,
and he was adamant
that I understand
the concept
of Being,
in this moment.
The day became more perfect
as I gradually understood
the importance of the lesson:
colours brightened,
the breeze became more sensual,
the texture of the road
showed myriad complex patterns,
and the morning stood still.
Thank you, Sensei,
lesson well taken,
...and well taught.