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Retired from 10 years in the Canadian Navy, and 28 years in the Canadian Diplomatic Service, with postings in Beijing, Mexico City, Sri Lanka, Romania, Abu Dhabi, Guyana, Ireland, Trinidad, and, last but not least, India.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

The Open Door

I once stepped out an open door
in some far distant past.
At first the path seemed barely there,
in this landscape new and vast.
One step lead to another
as steps are prone to do,
leading from familiar and mundane
to vistas bold and new.

Often storms assailed me
and I huddled lost and cold,
but then my skies would clear
into a sunrise of beckoning gold.
Some hills turned into mountains
swept by bitter gales,
while others were cloaked with flowers,
and soothing forest trails.

Phantoms flickered around me
but they did not stay long.
They vanished in the distance
as I sang my lonely song.
With wonders to distract me
I would sometimes lose my way,
and sit, crying quietly,
then move on another day.

Time often seemed to change,
and lose chronological coherence,
often speeding through the days;
sometimes held in abeyance.
Faces flashed, and words drifted by,
no logic, just confusion.
I was not sure if this was real
or just a strange illusion.

One day the road became less clear,
its call was less demanding:
the lure of the path was less profound,
no longer so commanding.
I rested now, more frequently;
less able to endure,
when there, in the peaceful valley below,
I saw an open door.

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The Ancient Hippie

The Ancient Hippie
Natraj dances with us all.

Welcome, and Namaste

Greetings fellow travellers,

For you American friends visiting, you will notice that this old Canadian uses Canadian English in this blog: kindly bear with me. As I blog primarily on subjects that are vitally interesting to me, I appreciate all feedback.

As I tend to be a bit of a language usage freak, I will, as required, edit obscenity and rude comments. That said, I welcome your opinions and discussion.

May your Dharma be clear


"If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended:
That you have but slumb'red here,
While these visions did appear."

Puck’s epilogue to A Midsummer Night’s Dream