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Retired from 10 years in the Canadian Navy, and 28 years in the Canadian Diplomatic Service, with postings in Beijing, Mexico City, Sri Lanka, Romania, Abu Dhabi, Guyana, Ireland, Trinidad, and, last but not least, India.

Monday 11 February 2008

The Grown-up

It wasn’t a magical star
granting a childish wish
that made me grown up,
nor was it an evil wizard’s
vengeful spell
that made me old.

She looked at me,
secure there on my lap,
Pooh flannel ‘jammies’
wrapping her in the security
of being young, and safe
In Daddy’s arms.

I used to fly with Wendy and the boys,
run from pirates with young Jim Hawkins,
that was the boy I was!
It seems only a few minutes ago
Gordon and I fought the Dervishes
at far-away Khartoum.

It wasn’t cosmic stardust,
falling one mystic night,
that wrought this change
from the carefree boy I was,
the discovering, exploring, querying
consumer of countless books.

It was the knowledge, my child,
the sure and wondrous certainty
that you awaited,
with your brother and sisters,
that made me run, singing,
to be here with you today.

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The Ancient Hippie

The Ancient Hippie
Natraj dances with us all.

Welcome, and Namaste

Greetings fellow travellers,

For you American friends visiting, you will notice that this old Canadian uses Canadian English in this blog: kindly bear with me. As I blog primarily on subjects that are vitally interesting to me, I appreciate all feedback.

As I tend to be a bit of a language usage freak, I will, as required, edit obscenity and rude comments. That said, I welcome your opinions and discussion.

May your Dharma be clear


"If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended:
That you have but slumb'red here,
While these visions did appear."

Puck’s epilogue to A Midsummer Night’s Dream